Michael Fassbender and Cate Blanchett play spies whose marriage is tested by a suspected mole.
Living: LFF Film Review
Bill Nighy plays a terminally ill man who finally decides to start living his life in this heartwarming drama.
The Wonder: LFF Film Review
Florence Pugh plays a nurse who is hired to investigate a girl who hasn’t eaten for months.
True Things: Film Review
Ruth Wilson’s Kate becomes completely infatuated with a bad boy ex-con in this psychological drama.
The Souvenir: Part II – Film Review
Julie channels her grief over Anthony’s death by making her graduation film about their troubled relationship.
Mank: Film Review
Gary Oldman plays Citizen Kane screenwriter Herman J. Mankiewicz in David Fincher’s latest.
The Souvenir: Film Review
Honor Swinton Byrne plays an aspiring film student who embarks on a troubled relationship.