Succession: Now that’s what I call a season finale!
The season two finale of Succession had one of the best TV cliffhangers in recent memory but the season three closer has easily surpassed it.
I had high hopes for the finale going in given what was set up in the penultimate episode and it was even better than I expected. I had no idea where it was going, who was going to end up on top – and I didn’t predict anything like this at all.
So what did I like most about it? Let me tell you!
The Roy siblings reunited
I like that the Roy siblings finally banded together to take on their dad. I thought it might happen sooner in the season but it made sense to save it until the end when they had no choice but to team up to take down their father once and for all. It was exciting and thrilled watching them formulate their plan on the car journey and I liked seeing Kendall (Jeremy Strong) back in the fold. I felt sorry for him on his own.
Kendall’s lowest ebb
After weeks of bravado and bigging himself up, Kendall’s facade finally slipped in his birthday episode. Even though he’s a terrible person, I still rooted for him as the underdog in the battle with his dad and I felt bad that his plan didn’t work. I’m glad that he got honest with Shiv (Sarah Snook) and Roman (Kieran Culkin) in the heartbreaking scene on the street in Italy. He’s a broken man who has lost all hope and he finally let himself be vulnerable with them and let them in (although the sincerity made Roman uncomfy). I think they needed that to help fix their relationship and become a team. Strong’s acting in that scene is incredible and I’m sure the Golden Globe is his for the taking.
Roman’s moment of defiance
Despite Roman’s assurances in the car, I was worried he would fold and do what Logan (Brian Cox) told him so I was thrilled when he was defiant and insisted Kendall should stay. It would have been more rewarding if he’d gone harder but watching him squirm and mentally pick sides was still a good call. It made his emotional reaction after Logan’s decision much more effective.
Logan’s WTF decision
I know I shouldn’t be shocked by anything Logan does anymore but he still manages it. I would never have thought he would give up control of his company! What the hell?! That is so out of character. I hope we get more information next season. Also, would he have gone through with his plan without telling his children if they hadn’t shown up?! It all seems very underhanded, even for Logan. I also don’t understand why their mum agreed to tweak their divorce settlement so the children lost their leverage and were unable to stop the sale. They’re screwed!
Tom’s betrayal
Is Tom (Matthew Macfayden) a bad guy? Why he is in cahoots with Logan? How does he benefit from giving Logan the heads-up about the siblings’ plan? I have so many questions about this!!! I know Shiv has been crapping on him from a great height all season but yikes!
The writing
I have praised the writing already but I think it’s worth repeating. The whole episode is spot-on from top to bottom, from the barbs they trade while playing Monopoly, to Kendall’s intervention, then his breakdown and then the final 15-20 minutes, which were a masterclass in tension. It might sound like I’m exaggerating but I actually sat up straight on the sofa with my hand over my mouth, holding onto every word. I’m pretty sure I held my breath. What an episode!
And with that in mind, please excuse me while I go watch it again.